Sorry, the owl theme again, I couldn't resist. Just a quick post about me, most people who follow this already know me but for those of you who don't, my name is not Jane, its Jamie. You know the saying "Jack of all trades" one of those people who can and does a little bit of everything?? Well, thats me in a nutshell, however Jane of all trades has a better ring to it than Jamie of all trades. You get the idea. You can call me Jamie or Jane, I'll answer to both.
I am foremost a wife to my husband of almost 13 years. We are a military family and are stationed here on Guam, a little dot of an island in he middle of the south Pacific. There is no Hobby Lobby or Michaels here.
We have 4 children ranging in age from almost 13 to 5. I'll elaborate more on them later, I'll even add some pictures.
I do freelance photography here on Guam, but have slowed that down a lot and pretty much only take photos of my friends kids when they ask. Not because I don't love doing it, I just lack the time. I am a full time student so between school and kids and life I don't have a lot of time. Ok, here is where I start to get a little weird, I am working on my degree in Mortuary Science. Not the typical career choice for your crafty sewing mother of 4, but again thats a whole other blog post!
I love anything craft, I love to sew, scrapbook, paper crafts, photography, cooking.. you name it. If it means I am making something than I am happy.